Enrollment Now Open!

The Shift has limited spots available, make sure you grab yours today! 

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Tired of Starting Over Every Few Months? Tired of Never Seeing Long-term success with Your Weight?

This is your invitation to stop feeling out of control around food & finally achieve your happiest and healthiest weight without constant dieting or nonstop exercise.

Are you ready to Shift?

Do any of these statements sound like you? 


I can't stop eating, even when I want to. 
I feel out of control around food, and I don't want to live my life that way anymore.
     I’ve tried everything to lose weight, nothing seems to work for me.
I'm ready to feel comfortable in my body.
      I’m so tired of my relationship with food and my body.
      I’m so tired of looking in the mirror and being disappointed.
      My weight makes me feel stuck.
      I feel like I have no idea what food is right for me, everyone says something different.
      I will never get to where I want to be with my weight.
      I’ve read all the books and tried all of the programs but none of them work for me.


If any of these statements resonate with you, you’re in the right place.


These are the exact words my clients tell me


I’m here to get you out of that cycle...

No more starting over on Monday.

No more hoping if you just find the right program or plan, that everything will finally change.  Something needs to be different this time.

Enter…..The ShiftThe Shift is different because we start at the source. We start at the root of the issue so we can actually transform it, rather than finding a new food or exercise program that is just a temporary Band-Aid. 

I will take you through The Shift model of change that I developed over two decades of training, experience and implementation with hundreds of clients.

And I’m going to personally support you along the way.

The Shift


Most Popular

  • 3 Months Immersion
  • 12 Life-Changing Lessons
  • 12 Live Coaching Calls
  • The Shift Workbook
  • Community involvement
  • Access to Full Library of Books and Resources
  • 3-Months Integration
  • 6 Live Coaching Calls
  • Access to Previous Coaching Calls
  • Access to Alumni Community

The Shift Accelerator


Limited to 5 Participants

  • 3 Months Immersion
  • 12 Life-Changing Lessons
  • 12 Live Coaching Calls
  • The Shift Workbook
  • Community involvement
  • Access to Full Library of Books and Resources
  • 3-Months Integration
  • 6 Live Coaching Calls
  • Access to Previous Coaching Calls
  • Access to Alumni Community
  • ** 6 One-on-One Coaching Calls with Eliza
  • ** 6 Months Voxer Support
  • ** Accountability Check-Ins to Help You Stay on Track

The Cycle

You’re feeling frustrated with your weight.  You research a diet or program to help you get unstuck. It goes well for a while (maybe), but then you find yourself right back where you started physically and emotionally. Sometimes you feel even worse than you did before. This leaves you feeling hopeless and frustrated until you muster up the energy and willpower to try again. Again, you research a program or diet that will help you feel unstuck. Again, the cycle continues. . .


Enroll Now!

The next session of The Shift begins NOW.

 The small group format allows me more time to focus on YOU so there are limited spaces available!

If you want in, join today!


- Jessica - 


40 pounds GONE thanks to Eliza and her amazing work!!! I have struggled with my weight for years and years and my thinking has totally changed!! I was absolutely miserable. I never thought that it was possible to change the way that I think about food. I had just given up and accepted the fact that I was always going to be this way. I felt absolutely hopeless. I felt that the only way that I could be successful with weight loss was to have bariatric surgery. I no longer feel that way. This has completely changed my life. I never thought that would be possible but I am living proof!

- Carol - 


This has been such an incredible journey for me. While I initially took the course for my weight issues, it has totally transformed every area in my life. The biggest change for me is becoming the best person for myself. Pursuing the things in my life that feel right for me and not letting the judgment of others deter me from doing that. For the first time in my life I feel confident enough and worthy enough to stand up for what makes me happy and to go after those things regardless of others opinions.

- Andrea - 


My life has completely changed for the better. I can't believe the things that are happening and the direction my life is going now. I feel my life path changing before my eyes, I see my end, where I want to end up and every day it is slowly becoming my reality. I fully believe in this work and talk about it to everyone I know. I have found my way. Also, the weight that I was holding on to is falling off. I only have 6 pounds to goal and I can't believe it. Before I would say I couldn't believe it or that it would never happen to me but now I know anything I put my mind to can happen. Thank you for changing my life. 

What is  THE SHIFT?


The Shift is a six-month program broken into two parts:


Immersion and integration 


Part one: Immersion (3 months)

- 12 recorded lessons

-12 Weekly live calls with me.

- All calls are recorded and in your course hub so you can access them at any time and watch them as many times as you want (study is a big part of this process).

- An easy course hub that you can access from your phone, tablet or computer so you can access your materials from anywhere

- Daily reminders and support to help fast track your progress.

 - Emails reminding you what you need to be focusing on.

- Workbooks and worksheets designed to help keep you on track.

Part two: Integration (3 months)

- Bi Monthly phone calls with me 

- Access to the Alumni group for support and ongoing learning

- Access to all previous coaching calls/materials to continue learning

- Accountability for implementation and integration

A Peek Inside the Lessons


Lesson 1 - Your nervous system is the foundation for your struggle with weight! Learn how!

Lesson 2 -  Everyday neuroscience. The role your mind and your brain (two different things!) play in your struggle with your weight.

Lesson 3 - Upgrading the operating system - exactly how do you harness the power of your mind? What does neuroplasticity have to do with weight?

Lesson 4 - Tools - Your toolkit for success

Lesson 5 - Visualization - what is it, how does it work, and why should I do it?

Lesson 6 - Vibration - what the heck is it and why does it matter so much?

Lesson 7 - Nutrition Science - the Brain-Weight Equation and the secret you really need to understand about your weight.

Lesson 8 - Self-Regulatory Skills

Lesson 9 - Mindful Movement

Lesson 10 - Fear - the role it plays and how it’s holding you back (toolkit #2)

Lesson 11 - Coping Skills - how to prevent a setback from becoming a backslide (toolkit #3)

Lesson 12 - Your individual blueprint for success


Bonus Trainings:

Behavior Design

Tiny Habits

Pay in Full


One time payment


Pay Monthly


for 6 months


The Shift Accelerator


* Only 3 Spots left!


Frequently asked questions:


When are the live calls? What if I can't make that time?

The live coaching calls are on Thursdays at 12:00 EST. This allows time for you to watch the teaching lesson for the week before the call. Many people aren't able to make the calls live. I have a process for submitting questions and I will answer all of your questions on the call, whether you can make it live or not.

Here's what a couple of Shifters have said about this: "Eliza answers all of your questions and helps you see things in a new way", "Because of work I don't think I'll ever get to participate in a call, but I didn't feel like that effected me negatively in any way."

How long will I have access to the course?

The course material is yours to keep and review as many times as you'd like. Once you are a part of The Shift family, you will always be! I continue to add content, resources and materials to the course so it really is a program that grows with you!

What if it doesn't "work" for me? Can I get my money back?

The process of shifting what you believe, who your are and who you are BE-ing is a unique and individual one. It requires a lot of personal accountability, and unfortunately I can't be there to do it for you. I don't offer refunds, HOWEVER I do stand behind the methods I teach in The Shift. If you sign up and you are struggling, all you have to do is reach out and we will come to a solution that you feel aligned with. 

I'm super busy, how much time will the course take?

The more time you dedicate to the process the quicker (and more prominent) you'll see changes. At a minimum, I would find 3 hours in your week to dedicate to the material in the course (doesn't have to be all at once). 

What happens after the course? What if I need more help?

The Shift provides the foundation for everything you need to change anything you want in your life. Once you've completed the course, there are a number of options to get continued support as a Shift alumni! From an invite only membership, to one on one individual support, once you're in The Shift  family, we'll make sure you get the support you need!

I promise, you don’t want to miss this!


I Want In!